Keeping Safe
Welcome to your Keeping Safe page. Here you will find lots of information and support for you to access.
As you know, at Fulbrook you can speak to any adults about anything that might be worrying you. Hopefully, you will also know that there are three adults in school whose specific job it is to help keep you safe.
Mr Wall | Mrs Nicholls | Mr Thomas |
However, you may have times when you are not in school and therefore unable to talk to a trusted adult. We want you to be able to access support, not just in school, but whenever you needed it. You may like to directly email any of the adults above, so here are their email addresses:
If you would rather access support and help outside of school then just follow the links on this page.
REMEMBER! ALL young people have the right to feel safe, at school, at home and in the community.
Useful Resources
KS2 Safeguarding Learning Journey KS3 Safeguarding Learning Journey
KS4 Safeguarding Learning Journey
Be Smart on the Internet Advice
Young Central Bedfordshire - Information for Young People
Young Central Bedfordshire is a new online resource for students, full of trusted information and advice on relationships and sex, emotional health, wellbeing, drugs and alcohol, and keeping safe. Click the link below for further information:
Bedfordshire Community Health Services - Chat Health
Kooth - Your Online Mental Wellbeing Community
Think U Know - Protecting Children and Young People from Online Child Sexual Abuse
A new app from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime has been launched. It is a new free app allowing people to anonymously report online content promoting violent extremism.
Apple iOS: