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Fulbrook School

First Aid at School

Our Principal First Aider is Miss Sarah-Jayne Collins who is based in our medical room near the school reception.

Our First Aiders are:

  • Mr C Brown
  • Mrs L Griffiths
  • Miss S Ingham
  • Mrs H Nelson-Cole
  • Mr M Smith

Should you have any queries regarding First Aid at Fulbrook, please feel free to email our Principal First Aider scollins@fulbrook.school

Medication Permission Form

Fulbrook supports all students with medical conditions, allowing them to access the same education as other students, including school trips and sporting activities.

All controlled drugs, stated under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, are kept in a secure cupboard in the medical room and only named staff have access. No students should keep these in their school bags. If they are found, they will be removed from them and securely locked away.

We appreciate that, on occasion, students will need access to medication available over the counter such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or hay fever relief. For any and all medicines distributed in school, the first aid team must have a completed Individual Medicine Record form. Without this form, we shall be unable to provide your child with any medication.

This form is available below for you to print off and complete, or you can collect a paper copy from our School Office.

Medication Permission Form 

Students with Asthma

Our first aid team will request that parents and carers of students with asthma complete an Asthma Action Plan. Please ensure that this is completed with the guidance of your child's GP or Asthma Nurse. The plan is personal to your child; ensure you take time to fill it out with a medical professional.

Please download and print this by clicking on the button below:

Asthma Action Plan  

It tells the team, and any member of our staff with your child:

  • Which inhalers or medication they take daily to prevent symptoms getting worse, or reduce the risk of an asthma attack
  • What to do if asthma symptoms get any worse
  • Any triggers they may have, which helps when lesson planning
  • In the case of an asthma attack, we can give the plan to paramedics or discuss when calling 999
  • Fill in the below with your GP or Asthma nurse. Each plan is personal to you, so ensure you take time to fill it out with a medical professional.