About Fulbrook PTA
Fulbrook PTA is a voluntary independent Charity, run by parents of pupils attending the school. Its purpose is to support the school to advance the education of the children through a strong partnership with the school itself. We do this by fostering close co-operation and communication among parents, staff and others associated with the school, extending our relationship, and engaging in activities that support the school. Fulbrook PTA plays an important role within the school and local community, with activities centered on fundraising and communication. All funds raised go to the school to fund short and long term projects and educational enhancements. Over recent years, funds have provided two outdoor gazebos and seating areas, a Birds of Prey visit to school and we are now supporting the purchase of books for the school library, with other ongoing projects being discussed.
Fulbrook PTA are always seeking volunteers to help with fundraising activities and welcome parents, staff and members of the community at our regular meetings. If you would like any other information regarding Fulbrook PTA, would like to become a member or have any suggestions about fund raising (or where the money might be spent), please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee or alternatively drop a note into the school office for the attention of Fulbrook PTA.
All parents, carers, staff and friends of the school are members of Fulbrook Parent Teacher Association and are welcome at any of our meetings. We aim to help to bring the school community together, by organising events and supporting school life in a variety of ways.
Our committee meets regularly to plan and organise fundraising events for Fulbrook. The more people who get involved the more we can do to have a thriving and active school community, supporting our children to make the most of their time here at Fulbrook.
We know all parents are busy but if you have some time ...
Attend a PTA meeting
Volunteer to help at the next event
Let us know your ideas and thoughts on fundraising
Contact Details