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Fulbrook School



At Fulbrook, we believe that homework should support teaching, learning and pupil progress, by supporting and extending the learning that takes place in the classroom during lesson time.

All homework is accessible through Arbor, our management information system. Arbor refers to homework as 'assignments'. Along with students, parents and carers have the opportunity to see what has been set and the deadlines. Arbor also provides the school to monitor the frequency and quality of homework set for all students.

To support completion of homework, the computing room is available to all students from 3pm - 4pm on Wednesdays, after school. Please see below the agreed rules with regards to accessing this opportunity:

  • This club is to be used for educational activities only, pre-set homework or independent research.

  • Support is available from the adults running the club.

  • Laptops and computers are available for students to use, but must be switched off and returned before leaving the club.

  • Students can leave at any time between 3pm and 4pm once homework or independent study has been completed. They need to exit via reception and follow pick up arrangements that have been agreed with their parents/carers.

  • Misuse of the club or poor behaviour will mean they will be asked to leave, and parents informed by the supervising staff.

Follow this link to an article for Parents on how to access Homework through the Arbor Portal and App.


Homework Expectations for Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)

Pupils should expect to receive homework for the following subjects each week: English, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS), Mathematics, Arithmetic and Science.  These homework tasks should last approximately 20 minutes in duration and students will usually be given one week to complete them. In addition to these homework tasks, we request that children read or are read to daily for 15 minutes. In Year 6, as part of preparing students for their SATs, there will be an increase in the amount of homework set each week, in English and Mathematics.

Homework Expectations for Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)

Mathematics, English and Science: one homework task a week, with each piece taking up to an hour to complete.

History, Geography, Computing, MFL, PBE and Music: one homework task a fortnight, with each piece taking up to an hour to complete.

Art, Design and Technology and Food Technology: one homework task per rotation.

Personal Development: one homework task per topic.

Physical Education: none set.

Homework Expectations for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

Mathematics, English and Science: one homework task a week, with each piece taking up to an hour to complete.

For each GCSE option taken: at least one homework task a fortnight, with each piece taking up to an hour to complete, plus any additional tasks set by the subject teacher.

Homework Club

Homework club, which is held in the computing room, is for any student, in any year group, to complete homework tasks.

This is on Wednesdays after school between 3:00-4:00pm.