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Fulbrook School



The intention of the history department is:

  • To develop an interest in and curiosity about the past

  • To appreciate human achievement and aspirations

  • To develop an awareness of the values of different societies from the past

  • To contribute to the understanding of other cultures and countries

  • To learn about the major issues of the past and how they have affected the present (e.g. the Democratic process in Athens and how we vote in Britain – link with Citizenship)

  • To develop the concept of change over time

  • To encourage enquiry and varied methods of communication

  • To explore artefacts and other historical resources such as pictures

  • To appreciate different points of view, values and attitudes

  • To use chronological terms with understanding, recognising similarities and differences.

It is important that the history curriculum reflects the diverse society in which we live, giving a broad view of the history of the United Kingdom and the world in general, from a variety of perspectives.

We have chosen topics to give the children an understanding of the country and world that we live in; how we have evolved and been created by the people of the past. We focus on how the events and attitudes of the past influence our communities today and how an understanding of this can create a more unified, understanding and accepting future.

We study topics across the full range of the curriculum areas required by the DFE and use these topics to develop historical skills, incrementally, throughout the key stages.

The main aim of the history department is to create a love of history where the children see and appreciate the lives of those that have come before them.

History Curriculum Overviews

History Curriculum Overview for Year 7History Curriculum Overview for Year 8History Curriculum Overview for Year 9 

Key Stage 3 History Learning Journey

 Click to download our Key Stage 3 History Learning Journey