House System
House System and Rewards
It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly and well. We praise and reward children for good behaviour, in a variety of ways, including:
- Positive point awarded (recorded on Arbor) for meeting expectations in a lesson
- Verbal praise
- Credits on pupils’ debit cards
- Cookie vouchers
- Raffle tickets
- Text messages to parents and carers
- Reward certificates
- Head Teacher Commendations
- Certificates of Excellence
- A Celebration Evening is held to recognise, for example, those children who have made excellent progress in each subject area
- End of Term/Year rewards, including Learning Champion certificates and prizes, based on consistently meeting expectations in lessons
The House System at Fulbrook promotes a sense of belonging and co-operation. Public spiritedness is nurtured through House charity events. The presence of four houses provides a competitive platform, where pupils can contribute towards their team success.
House credits are totalled regularly and during assemblies prizes are given for best individual performances; House totals are revealed and updated. The final tally of House credits is known after the Sports Day points are added and the House Shield is presented to the winning House Captains.
The four Houses at Fulbrook are: Apollo, Athena, Hermes and Poseidon.