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Fulbrook School

School Uniform

At Fulbrook, we have a uniform and expect our students to wear it correctly. In doing so, it reflects pride in our school and the part each young person plays in our school community. It helps to promote a positive learning atmosphere and a readiness to learn; it supports good behaviour. It helps to protect our young people from social pressures and bullying. It is an outward sign of each student’s commitment to the school and helps to instil a sense of belonging.

All students are required to wear full school uniform at all times, including to and from school. Dealing with inappropriate uniform matters detracts from time devoted to learning; thank you in advance for your support in this matter. Students who are not in correct uniform and who do not have a reasonable explanation (covered by a note from home) will be offered uniform to borrow, in order to attend lessons as soon as possible. Contact with home might be made, to request that the correct items are brought into school. Refusal to change into provided items will result in a student being placed in reset until the correct uniform is worn. Should a student breach the uniform policy three times in one week, an after-school detention will be issued.
We are unapologetic about having high expectations regarding the wearing of uniform. We would like to thank you for helping us to ensure that correct uniform is worn.

If you have any questions or queries regarding uniform, please contact the school office by emailing office@fulbrook.school
If you are finding the cost of uniform difficult, please contact your child’s form tutor in confidence; we shall do our best to help.

Everyday Uniform

  • Shirt - Plain white shirt or blouse: these should be buttoned up fully, including the top button, and must be tucked in at all times.  

  • Jumper - Navy blue V-neck jumper: the Fulbrook branded jumper is optional.

  • Trousers - Charcoal grey business-style trousers: alternatively, charcoal grey tailored shorts or short culottes may be worn.

  • Skirt - Charcoal grey skirt: knee-length, or just above. They can be pleated, A-line or straight. Tube (lyra/stretch) skirts and skater-style skirts, as well as skirts with slits, are not allowed.

  • Socks - Socks must be plain and dark in colour, or white. No vibrant colours, patterns or slogans are permitted.  Plain, dark, thick tights may be worn.

  • Tie - Fulbrook School Tie: this is a compulsory item.

  • Head Coverings - Students who wish to wear a head covering for religious purposes may do so. Please ensure these are plain black, navy or white.

  • Footwear - School shoes should fully enclose the foot and be easily polished. Canvas or suede shoes are not acceptable, nor are sandals or boots.

PE Kit

  • Top - A Fulbrook sports polo and/or sport jersey should be worn on PE days. These items are compulsory and branded with our logo. They can be purchased from our uniform supplier.

  • Hoodie - The Fulbrook PE hoodie is an optional item and may be worn on PE days only.

  • Bottoms - Plain black shorts or skorts (at least mid-thigh in length). Black sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms may be worn in the colder months.

  • Socks - Socks must be royal blue in colour or plain white sports socks.

  • Footwear -Trainers suitable for use on the 3G pitch. Plimsolls are not allowed.

  • Shin Pads
  • Gum Shield - available from Fulbrook for £2.50



  • Hats are allowed on the playground only, for protection from the sun, or from the cold
  • Mobile phones and headphones should not be visible during the school day (these should be switched off and kept in bags)
  • Coats must be dark in colour and appropriate for school (no leather or denim jackets)
  • Sweatshirts, tracksuit tops or cardigans may not be worn as additional items
  • Hoodies are not permitted, other than the Fulbrook branded PE hoodie or Sports Leader hoodies.


 The following rules apply to the wearing of jewellery in school:

  • A short necklace is permitted, if worn inside the shirt
  • Body piercings are strictly limited to a single nose stud and one piercing per ear (no eyebrow, lip or other piercings are allowed; earrings should be studs only)
  • Rings are limited to one per hand
  • An inexpensive watch may be worn
  • Bracelets and bangles are not permitted
  • All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons and some other practical lessons, as advised by the teacher

Students in Year 7 and above are allowed to wear minimal make-up. Students will be asked to remove any make-up which is deemed excessive.

Hair must be suitable for a school environment and natural in colour. In Year 7 and above, students are permitted to wear their hair down, although it must be tied up for practical lessons, such as art, PE, science, design and food technology.

False or acrylic nails are not permitted. If worn, students will be expected to attend reset, until the nails have been removed.

Uniform Supplier

Fulbrook branded items can be purchased from the school supplier Kedaph Schoolwear. Please click on their logo below to access the Fulbrook uniform area of their website:

These items are reasonably priced and can be purchased online by accessing their website above or by visiting their shop at the address below: 

Kedaph Schoolwear Ltd

Unit A Lennox Road


Milton Keynes


Tel: 01908 417 142

Email: customerservice@kedaphschoolwear.co.uk

We strongly discourage the bringing to school of any items of value or large sums of money. We discourage children from bringing mobile phones to school. If parents choose to allow children to bring them then they must be kept in their school bags and out of sight at all times during the school day.

We will not accept responsibility for any lost or broken mobile phones. Pupils are not permitted to use them on the school site. 

If your child is eligible to receive Pupil Premium funding, please contact Mrs Johnson at djohnson@fulbrook.school to register your uniform needs.

If you would like to view our School Uniform Guide, please click here to access our Policies and Documents webpage.