Governing Body
The Local Governing Body (LGB) works very closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure the very highest quality of teaching and learning throughout the school. They have strategic oversight of the school’s development and act as a critical friend to the school’s work.
The core duties of the Local Governing Body are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent
- Ensuring the highest standards of teaching and learning
- Ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding and welfare
In practice, governors are a group of volunteers who include parents, staff and members of the local community and act collectively to make decisions that matter to the school. They are motivated to do their best for the children of the school.
Governing bodies help set the school’s aims and values. They also make decisions on matters such as performance targets, school policies, and the school’s development plan. They oversee the use of the school’s budget, have responsibility to obtain value for money for that budget and are responsible for the appointment of the head teacher.
In addition, governors monitor, support and challenge the headteacher and staff on how well policies and targets are followed through. They do this by visiting the school, getting to know its strengths and weaknesses, and asking useful questions that foster an ethos of continuous improvement.
Approach, Role and Training of the Governing Body
The current members of the Local Governing Body are:
Name | Role |
Samantha Clancy | Headteacher |
Philip Mardon | Parent Governor (Chair) |
Nik Hartley OBE | Appointed Governor (Vice Chair) |
Amos Raban | Appointed Governor (Vice Chair) |
Fiona Cavanagh | Appointed Governor |
Angela Evans | Appointed Governor |
Clive Cowmeadow | Appointed Governor |
Matthew Holder | Appointed Governor |
Lorraine King | Appointed Governor |
Sally Hartley | Committee Member |
Simon Johnson | Parent Governor |
Sarah Cain | Parent Governor |
Amanda Knibb | Clerk to the Local Governing Body |
Fulbrook Governance Structure Autumn 2024
Should you wish to contact The Local Governing Body, please address your letter to: Chair of the Local Governing Body, c/o Fulbrook School, Weathercock Lane, Woburn Sands, Bedfordshire
MK17 8NP or email the Clerk to the Local Governing Body
Register of Pecuniary and Business Interests
Register of Interests/Attendance Local Governing Body 2024 – 2025
Annual Report and Financial Statements
Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 August 2023
Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 August 2022
Kingsbridge Educational Trust (KET)
Fulbrook School is part of Kingsbridge Educational Trust (KET).
All KET Governance and Reports
KET Supplemental Funding Agreement Fulbrook
Executive Pay
In accordance with the requirements set out in the Academies Trust Handbook, the information below sets out the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k, in £10k bandings, for the year ended 31 August 2023. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions and other taxable benefits.
Number of Employees: 1
Gross Annual Salary, including benefits: £100,000 - £110,000