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Fulbrook School

Curriculum Intent

The Curriculum Intent of Fulbrook



Our curriculum is designed for our school, our context and our students.​

We recognise the value of a high-quality education and its role in maximising the opportunities life has to offer.

In designing our curriculum, we consider the specific context of our school and we ask:

What do we want our young people to know and to be able to do by the time they leave Fulbrook?

Regardless of their starting point, it is our intention to enable all children to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to make decisions, to self-evaluate, to make connections and to be lifelong learners, who have been encouraged and enabled to achieve their aspirations and to become compassionate, respectful and responsible citizens.

The development of emotional health, wellbeing and resilience, for both our pupils and staff, is a key priority and central to the design of our curriculum.

At Fulbrook, it is our intention to enable our young people to:

  1. have a sense of self-belief and to be resilient, self-aware, open-minded, cooperative and considerate in school, as well as in all areas of their life.
  2. enjoy and be engaged in their learning, as active learners, who have positive attitudes, a growth mindset and a thirst for discovery.
  3. understand what they have achieved and know what to do to make progress.
  4. be independent, enthusiastic, self-motivated and curious learners, who raise their own questions.
  5. work collaboratively and cooperatively with others, recognising the value of mutual support.
  6. have time to evaluate and reflect on their learning.
  7. have teachers, who inspire their learning and encourage them to be creative, critical thinkers.
  8. be challenged, make good progress and experience success.
  9. develop emotionally, spiritually, morally and as members of their community, with the ability and desire to make a positive contribution to society.
  10. lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.